Fencing the Area of Rearing Facility

Fencing the Area of Rearing Facility

Area of rearing facility of Tuntong Laut (Painted terrapin/Batagur borneoensis) have been fenced. Fencing is done to prevent disturbance by animals, such as goats and cattle, which often enter the area. Also to prevent the possibility of human disorders such as theft. This area will be complemented by several CCTV cameras for security support.

After the installation of stakes and concrete foundations, wire fencing, ponds repainting, cleaning the area from trash, planting crops in the areas around that have been implemented last week, now the activity will continue with painting fence stakes, installation of safety nets in all ponds, making plants and wood artificial to basking in the middle of the ponds, making nursery area to produce feed for Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis). To maintain the cleanliness of water in ponds, the natural filtration has also been made.

All these are done in order to make hatchlings  of Tuntong can growth safely and comfortably before being released back into the habitat. (SF)

In Bahasa Indonesia:

Area fasilitas kolam pembesaran untuk Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) kini dilakukan pemagaran. Pemagaran ini dilakukan untuk mencegah gangguan oleh binatang, seperti kambing dan sapi, yang sering masuk ke area. Juga untuk mencegah dari gangguan manusia seperti kemungkinan pencurian. Area ini juga akan dilengkapi oleh beberapa kamera CCTV untuk menunjang keamanan.

Setelah pemancangan tiang dan fondasi pagar, pemasangan kawat pagar, pengecatan ulang kolam-kolam, pembersihan area kolam dari sampah, penanaman tanaman di sekeliling area yang telah dilaksanakan minggu lalu, kini aktivitas akan dilanjutkan dengan pengecatan tiang pagar, pemasangan jaring pengaman di kolam, tumbuhan dan kayu berjemur buatan di tengah kolam, pemasangan pintu pagar dan pembuatan area tanaman untuk pakan kura-kura Tuntong laut (Batagur borneoensis). Untuk menjaga kebersihan air, pembuatan filtrasi air kolam secara alami juga telah dilakukan.

Semua hal ini dilakukan agar anakan kura-kura Tuntong laut dapat tumbuh dengan aman dan nyaman sebelum dilepaskan kembali ke habitat. (SF)

Get involved and help us to improve the facility!

5 thoughts on “Fencing the Area of Rearing Facility

    1. Thanks Pelf, yes that is the result of spirit Gotong Royong. How about your project in Terengganu? I think you are luck that your gevernment have a good facility in Terengganu 🙂 Best wishes to you Pelf!

      1. Hi Joko, we don’t really have “good facilities” yet, but we make do with what we have. Most importantly, we have a group of dedicated local villagers who work tirelessly for the project 😀

        I will continue to keep myself updated with the progress of your project. Keep it up!

        1. thanks pelf. yes, i think you have a good team. we must build the facility to breed the turtles and it makes me easier to teach the students about turtles conservation. moreover, as you knew that our sites are remote areas and it will be very expensive. i follow your blog as well. you did great works pelf!

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