Campaign Has Been Reached More Than of Five Hundred Students
Our campaign activity to save a critically endangered freshwater turtle, Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) has reached more than of five hundreds students in two Junior High Schools and one Senior High School. Their age are between 13 until 17 years old. The campaign that had been started since August 2011 is targeting will reach about six hundreds students until end of November 2011. After that, we will conducting a post-campaign survey to investigating the awareness changes made by this campaign to the students. We visit to that schools in every week to conduct a class room meeting and discussion with the students.
The campaign is implemented by using discussion method in class room. Each class is attended by fifteen until fourty participant. Every students is also received a Handbook of Painted Terrapin and Mangrove in Bahasa Indonesia and English. This handbook is produced to help the students to identify the Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) and another freshwater turtles that are possible to be found in their area such as Cuora amboinensis, Batagur affinis, Manouria emys emys, Amyda cartilaginea. Also, the book is giving a short explanation the relation between Painted Terrapin and Mangrove by using food weeb and food chain analysis. This handbook is printed in colourfull. So, can increase student’s interest to explore the contents of the book.
The students were really interested to this activity. In the class room, the students was given so many questions to our facilitator such as how long the life expectancy of Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis), how they are mating, how about their feed, how about their movement. Although not of all their questions could we answer, but the discussion is really interesting and fun. More than of that, this is giving an expectation for Painted Terrapin conservation.
In the implementation of this campaign we helped by facilitator. We recruiting teachers from targeted school to help us in implementing this campaign. This is make the emotional relation between trainer (teacher) and trainee (students) stronger. In every class meeting, a staff of Lembaga SatuCita was also accompany the teacher in order to supervise the training and discussion.
This campaign and producing of the book is supported by the grant of Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF). Also is supported by Aceh Tamiang Local Government and Lembaga SatuCita.