Celebrating World Turtle Day 2022

Celebrating World Turtle Day 2022

We and our partners are celebrating World Turtle Day to commemorate World Turtle Day 2022. We held a coloring competition for pupils in elementary schools located in villages in the Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) habitat in the District of Aceh Tamiang, Province of Aceh, and District of Langkat, Province of North Sumatera, Indonesia, on May 23rd.

The theme for this celebration is “Save Painted Terrapin, Prevent from Extinction!”. This event is the first time of celebration of World Turtle Day in the area, even perhaps the first time in Sumatra. The same event is important to be held in the future in order to increase people’s awareness about the importance of turtles and tortoises in the ecosystem and human life.


Totally, of 100 students participated in the competition which consist of about 50 participants in each location. The competition was held in Village Jaring Halus, Langkat, and Village Pusung Kapal, Aceh Tamiang. These villages are like an “entrance gate” for people to reach or visit the nesting site. So, these villages are strategic for the conservation of Painted Terrapin.

Through this coloring competition, we also aim to resurrect the story of Painted Terrapin for the children. Many of them are not really aware that their village, rivers, and mangrove forests are habitats of the critically endangered species Painted Terrapin. Involving the future generations who live in the habitat is important to increase their knowledge, and sense of belonging to the terrapin, and perhaps to grow their responsibility to save this species when these children become an adult.

coloring contest in langkat
The winners of coloring competition, teachers and staff of BBKSDA North Sumatera in Langkat, Nort Sumatera, (Photo: YSLI/BBKSDA Sumut)

The competition in Jaring Halus is an event held by the Satucita Foundation and The Agency of Conservation of Natural Resources Province of North Sumatera, while the same event in Pusung Kapal was held by the Satucita and The Agency of Conservation of Natural Resources Province of Aceh, Pertamina Rantau and District Government of Aceh Tamiang.

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