
This program aims to restore the habitat of critically endangered species which we conserve. We aim to reforest the riverine and coastal vegetation, including mangroves. We do reforestation in rainforests as well. We do believe that a good forest is good for people and wildlife.

We are collaborating with partners and the local community to implement this program. We establish community groups, and train and facilitate them to reforest their areas. In addition, reforestation will produce benefits to locals’ livelihood such as replanting the riverine vegetations in mangrove forests will increase fisheries productivity, and also protecting endangered species of Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis), and will generate sustainable income such as educational tourism operated by a community group in Ujung Tamiang.

We have planted more than 30,000 seedlings of Rhizopora apiculata and Sonneratia alba on the riverside since 2014. We also planted about 1,000 seedlings of beach Casuarina along the nesting beaches in 2017 to prevent abrasion.