Why Support Us

There are many reasons for you to support us. Here are some reasons:

  • Your support and donations will be used to finance our conservation activities.
  • Our activities are based on research and science and contribute to the development of science.
  • Your support will provide jobs for and empower villagers where our project is implemented. It means the support will bring a positive impact on people and nature conservation.
  • We have a commitment to conserving nature for the long term. We will not be involved in the conservation program that is only aimed at the short term.
  • Our activities are based on the people and nature approach. We believe that conservation must bring a positive impact for nature, wildlife, and people. Our program has proven to bring positive impacts for people and nature, socially, economically, and environmentally.
  • We are a foundation that works as grass-root and local action. Nevertheless, our impacts are global.
  • We act in the field, not only on social media platforms.
  • We are working with all stakeholders and communities, without based on race, gender or religion. We are an open organization.

Please contact us if you want to support and collaborate with us!