Preparation of Field Survey
We will carry out first of comprehensive field survey to estimating the number of wild population of Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) in District of Aceh Tamiang. Recently, we are still in organizing any preparations needed before to the field. Equipments (traps, gears, medical kits), obtain permit, transportation, communication and logistics, recruiting and training local guide are must be prepared very well. We expecting that the permit will be issued in the last week of March.

This comprehensive survey will start from second week of April until August 2012 and conducted in three times in the field. Each survey will be carry out for about two weeks. The survey will targeting mangrove forest that spread in three sub-districts in Aceh Tamiang that recorded as distribution area of Painted Terrapin.

By using method capture-mark-release-recapture, it is expected that the positive estimation of population will be available.This estimation is also will be a baseline data for conservation of Painted Terrapin here, such as for monitoring and reintroduction activity for the species. It is also expected that this activity will provide a short description of natural behavior of Painted Terrapin, such as migration pattern, density, mating season.
This survey is planned will be supported from small grant of Turtle Conservation Fund/Conservation International and Lembaga SatuCita.
How are you planning to survey the area, Joko? Will you lay nets and check them periodically? Are you going to mark the terrapins?
I would love to follow your developments regarding this project. All the best for a productive field season!
we will try to trap them and check the trap periodically, two days after the trap laid. yes, we will mark them with tag ID, but not chip. I will send email the progress to you Pelf. How about your nesting ecology research? best to you too Pelf! greeting from Indonesia 🙂
Hi Joko,
Don’t forget about me! I would also love to hear about your progress. It would also be great if I can add some of the more recent information to our Turtle Celebration. Good luck 🙂
Sure Christine. We will try to updating this website and publish info from the field regularly. After this field survey completed, we will send final report to interested parties (including you) and publish it to a journal 🙂