Fifty Hatchlings of Painted Batagur Released Back Into River

Fifty Hatchlings of Painted Batagur Released Back Into River

Painted Terrapin Hatchlings Released into River. All are marked with Pit Tags for future monitoring.

For the second time in this year, Satucita Foundation (Yayasan Satucita Lestari Indonesia), BKSDA Aceh, PT Pertamina Field Rantau, release Painted Terrapin hatchlings into original habitat, Tamiang River.  Fifty individuals of seven-month old hatchlings released in this event. The event was held on 30 November 2016 in village Pusong Kapal, District of Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia.

As published in previous article that twenty hatchlings have been released before, on August 2016, to commemorate the Indonesia National Conservation Day. You can read the article here.

The annual releasing event that held on 30 November was attended by about 150 participants. They are officials from some government institution such as Agency of Natural Resources Conservancy (BKSDA) Aceh, Office of Tourism, Office of Fisheries and Maritime, Forest Management Unit (KPH) Section VI Langsa, Navy Post, Police, Army, PT Pertamina Field Rantau and villagers from villages that situated around of the habitat, Tamiang River.

So, totally, 70 hatchlings have released as of November 2016. The remaining, 595 individual, will be released on their natal beach. It is scheduled that the next releasing will be released on end of December 2016. All hatchlings released were marked with Pit Tags HTP08 produced by BIOMARK.

The releasing on river and natal beach will be useful to answer the question such as whether the releasing site will be affecting the ability to surive (survival) in wild or not. This answer will be obtained by collecting data in long term monitoring and survey.  (admin)

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