Release Painted Terrapin Hatchlings in COVID-19 Pandemic

The Satucita Foundation and its Painted terrapin conservation partner released 375 hatchlings of terrapins on 5 June 2020. The releasing was held on nesting site Ujung Tamiang/Pusung Putus. This site is one of two main nesting sites in the habitat.
Different compared to last year’s activity, this year is without ceremony and does not involve the general public. The personnel who release the hatchlings are mandatory to wear masks, and gloves, and also must keep a social distance.
To reach the release site, the team had to boat for about 1 hour by wooden machine boat from the nearest village, Pusung Kapal. This village is where the Painted Terrapin Information Center (PTIC), including the hatchery and pool located.

Those hatchlings are a result of nest patrol had been conducted by the team of the Foundation who work together with the staff of Agency of Conservation of Natural Resources (BKSDA) Province Aceh, Fisheries Office of Aceh Tamiang District, Pertamina EP Field Rantau, and village youth (community) group, on December 2019 to February 2020. During that period, the team successfully saved 50 eggs of 33 nests. Of those numbers, about 70 percent of eggs are succesfully hatched and raised to be released.
The Foundation would like to thank Houston Zoo and Turtle Survival Alliance for their support to save this critically endangered species conservation.